Laboratory 1

The Influence of Temperature Variation in Solar Cells

The main objectives of this work are:

1.      To characterize a solar cell by its electrical equivalent circuit;

2.      To estimate experimentally the solar cell’s parameters;

3.      To compute the current-voltage, power-voltage and efficiency-voltage curves and analyze their temperature influence;

Laboratory 2

Groups of Solar Cells Connected in Series and Parallel

The main objectives of this work are:

1. To investigate the difference to have solar cells connected in series and in parallel;

2. To help answer the question of how solar cells behave like batteries



Laboratory 3

Shading Effects and The Purpose of By-pass Diodes

The main objectives of this work are:

1. To analyse the shading effects in the voltage-current (I-U) and power-current (P-U) characteristic curves on a set of solar cells connected in series;

2. To verify the change occurred on those characteristic curves when using, or not, by-pass (BP) diodes;

3. To analyse different levels of shading.

Laboratory 4 & 5

Analysis of a Concentrating Photovoltaic & Thermal Hybrid Collector (C-PVT)

The main objectives of this work are to:

1. To characterize a concentrated photovoltaic thermal (C-PVT) collector;

2. To analyze the influence of non-uniform illumination in the CPVT panel operation;

3. To analyze the concentration and tilt effect on the PV production;

4. To understand the connections between the C-PVT collector and the on-grid inverter;

5. To understand the operation of the maximum power point tracking system;

Laboratory 6

Photovoltaic Application: Design and Study

The main objectives of this work are:

1. For students to propose a photovoltaic application;

2. To elaborate on the load curves, irradiation and ambient conditions;

3. To chose the required equipment for the application;

4. And to present the calculation for the system design.